Prepare employees for corporate travel: 7 things you need to do

Kiran Sidhu
Kiran Sidhu
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No matter how much of an opportunity business travel is, some employees are still reluctant to participate, and those that do still feel stressed before the trip. As travel managers, your role doesn’t stop at managing the travel, it’s also in assisting your business travellers and easing their concerns. 

When it comes to business travel, employees are exposed to several negative factors. To make business travel successful, preparing employees for corporate travel is a must. Doing so brings trust and helps the company to cultivate a culture of safety. When business travellers travel with ease it’s more likely that they perform well. 

Preparation ensures employees have enough resources for safety no matter where they travel. General information about the site, empowering employees to take on this role and refreshing them on the company’s travel policy are things you should put as a top priority when readying for corporate travel. Preparation helps employees make better choices under instability, and stresses business travel can induce.

We’re here to guide you through establishing a routine for empowering business travellers. In this article, we’ll help you identify the essential steps in readying your employees before they board their flights. 

1) Give employees complete information on travel risks and safety

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TruTrip’s platform offers complete risk assessment

Regardless if your employees are travelling to a new place or revisiting an old central location, it’s necessary to always do an advance risk assessment for them. As part of your duty of care, it is in your best interest to help them overcome risks during global corporate travel. Many risks are associated with travelling, no matter the means of travel. You should educate your employees to minimize risks that employees cannot avoid and avoid avoidable risks. Some risks include fatigue, destination risks, crime, travelling solo, and unplanned crises.

It’s always good to check if the place has hostile communities or if it’s invaded by viral health issues. Also, equip workers well to minimize travel risks. After orienting them with this, you may want to put an air of reassurance by letting them know how you’ll be involved, may it be virtually, in this trip. Let them know how the company would help them should unavoidable things during travel arises.

Also, it’d be great if your company has tracking tools that employees can use. Educate the employees on how to communicate effectively to create alerts in case of any issue to ensure safety. Also, it is better to have 24/7 support from travel experts on the employees’ side to help them in an emergency. Even travel managers shouldn’t shoulder this responsibility alone. 

2) Brainstorm on a networking sales pitch for potential clients

In looking for opportunities in networking, a strong subtle sales pitch is a must. It is a great way to reach potential clients. Unfortunately, not many business travellers have this kind of pitch ready, more so one that was a team effort.

Firstly, know who you are writing the sales pitch to, and create an avatar in your mind of your ideal client. Second, make sure it is short and subtle, a good way to make it subtle is to plan an introductory topic to make sure that you’re able to segue it naturally. If your new network shows interest, pass your points and how you intend to solve their problems and use language that can persuade your potential client. 

3) Reassure them 

Business travelling requires a lot and is not the same as travelling for pleasure. It can cause anxiety and stress, a situation that can be repetitive.  Your business travellers need moral support and business trips can be nerve-wracking and mentally draining. 

Regardless of if you’re new to being a travel manager, you don’t need special training to pump them up. Being in a nurturing environment can be just the thing to increase morale, and kind words are free! 

By strategically trimming down travel costs, you can even book a tour for your employee after their business trip agenda, this will make the business travel seem like a perk again. 

4) Provide them with insider travel tips 

Travelling tips are essential for every employee planning to undertake global corporate travel. Insider tips such as which delivery, transport or digital pay apps are popular in that travel destination, down to the minute detail of which kind of electronic adapters they’ll need, all of these things can help your employees avoid minor hassles that eventually pile up and cause a mental toll. 

This helpful information can include:

  1. Clarity on prohibited items during flight, for carry-on and checked-in baggage 
  2. If they are using company devices during the trip, also run down some important steps to take to ensure that they’re safe from hackers and other threats.  
  3. Safe and popular means of transportation
  4. Culture and etiquettes
  5. Which products are expensive in specific travel locations 
  6. What type of clothing to bring
  7. Ways they can beat jetlag
  8. What they can do during long layovers, how to get a transit visa

In this digital world of information, you can easily research these things. If your company has a high frequency of business travel, chances are that some of the previous post-business travel reports can help. You can take some information from employees who have first-hand experience of travelling to the same place for business purposes in the past. 

5) Make sure they know basic and specific etiquette about the travel location

Just like rules governing any other place, basic and specific etiquette are critical aspects you should respect in business travel. The employer should equip the employees with etiquette to ensure a successful business trip. This will help them get in the middle of awkward situations or worse, offend important business partners. 

Some etiquette includes learning a new language and enunciating it the right way, which can help employees establish new friends and connections. Basic universal ones include being punctual, using professional and business terms, and avoiding controversial topics. 

Educate your employees on how they should dress, some areas don’t allow clothes that reveal too much skin. If they’re visiting non-meat-eating countries, it’s best to let them know to be careful in ordering food during meetings, and avoid foods like beef or pork. If the trip is in Japan, inform them that the reply is always a yes, and if you disagree it should be done in a professional, and respectful way. 

6) Quickly refresh the summarized presentation about the company’s travel policy

Refresh them on the company’s travel policy, no need to brief them on everything, but make sure you highlight important ones. Make sure you include: 

  1. Travel expenses 
  2. Work hours during business trips
  3. Travel risk
  4. Reimbursement policy 
  5. Business and leisure

It is highly important that you and your employee are on the same page regarding this vital information. Especially travel expenses that are not covered by the company. 

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TruTrip’s platform allows you to automate your travel policy

Make sure you tell them the state laws that can change your travel policy. The employer should play his role to ensure the employee is equipped with all the information needed to get the best business travel experience. If your company is using a TMC then you can easily refresh them on the travel policy as it is already incorporated on the platform provided by TMCs.  

7) Double-check travel requirements with them

Travel requirements are essential documents that employees should correctly have. The requirements can include travel documents such as passports, travel insurance, visa, proof of financial capacity, and an invitation letter to board a flight. 

TruTrip offers 24/7 real human support from travel experts

Though pandemic restrictions are easing up, some countries have adopted a vaccination certificate requirement as part of qualifying for entry. Make sure you’re up to date with these ever-changing requirements, having 24/7 support travel experts are great to have in this matter as they can easily check in and see if you’re all set. 

Carry phones, tablets, or laptops to communicate efficiently with your colleagues. Breath mints, clothes, wallets, business cards,  and office supplies are other requirements you can carry on business travel. 

Make business travel stress-free for you and your business travellers

Get your employees the best care and assistance with our high-touch service, corporate travel market expertise and top-of-the-line travel tool software. You can book a demo with TruTrip or set up a free trial to try out our services.