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TruTrip - Seamless travel booking, approval, tracking and support - all in one place

Terms of Use

Version dated 23rd August 2024

These Terms of Use set out the terms and conditions applicable to the websites listed at Annex 1, the corresponding mobile application, as well as all their related or linked sites (generally, the “Pelantar“), including the services provided thereon (the “Perkhidmatan“). By making a booking on the Platform or using or accessing the Platform or any part of the same, you (referred to as “awak” or the “Pengguna” in these Terms of Use) acknowledge that you accept these Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy and you agree to be bound by them. If you do not accept them, you should not use the Platform or the Services.

By accessing or using our Services you represent and warrant that: (a) you are at least 18 years of age; (b) you have read, understood and agreed to these Terms of Use which include our Privacy Policy; (c) where you accept or agree to these Terms of Use on behalf of a company or other legal entity, you have the full capacity and authority to enter into this agreement on behalf of such company or legal entity, and in such event, “you” and “your” will refer and apply to that company or legal entity; (d) all information you submit is accurate, current, and complete; (e) you will maintain the accuracy and completeness of such information; (f) you possess the legal authority to create a binding legal obligation; (g) you are legally permitted to use and access our Services and take full responsibility for the selection and use of and access to the Services; (h) if you have an account with us, you will safeguard your account information and will be responsible for any use of your account by you and anyone other than you; (i) you will only use our Services to make legitimate reservations and report expenses for yourself, another member of your travelling party, or another person for whom you are legally authorised to act; and (j) you will inform such other person(s) about the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy that apply to the reservations you have made on their behalf.

These Terms of Use shall take precedence over any other terms and conditions referred to, proposed by or relied on by the User, whether in negotiation or at any stage in the dealings between TRUTRIP PTE. LTD. and/or its related companies (as applicable and as stated at Annex 2, referred to as “kita” or “TruTrip” in these Terms of Use) and the User, in respect of any Services.

Dengan menggunakan dan mengakses Platform, anda mengakui dan bersetuju bahawa penghantaran internet tidak pernah sepenuhnya peribadi atau selamat. Anda memahami bahawa segala maklumat yang dihantar melalui Platform mungkin dibaca atau dipintas oleh orang lain, walaupun terdapat pemberitahuan khas bahawa penghantaran tertentu disulitkan.

This document can be printed and stored by Users. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at [email protected]


The manager of the Platform is TruTrip. TruTrip’s details are as follows:

Company name: TRUTRIP PTE. LTD.
Unique entity number: 201915540Z
Registered address: 9 Raffles Place, #26-01 Republic Plaza, Singapore 048619
E-mail address: [email protected]
General hotline: +65 3129 2139


TruTrip berhak untuk mengubah Syarat Penggunaan dan Dasar Privasi ini pada bila-bila masa tanpa memberi notis terlebih dahulu. Pengguna harus membaca Syarat Penggunaan ini dengan teliti sebelum mengakses Platform. Dalam semua keadaan, penerimaan Syarat Penggunaan ini adalah langkah pertama yang penting untuk mengakses Perkhidmatan dan kandungan yang tersedia di Platform. Syarat Penggunaan terkini akan tersedia setiap saat di Platform.


  1. TruTrip is a travel agent duly registered in Singapore, Licence No. TA03340, and has created this Platform to allow organisations of all sizes to save time and money on managing business travel (such organisations that use the Platform referred to as the “Pertubuhan“). The system created by TruTrip operates as follows:
    1. Travel policy management. By signing up with us, Organisations have the option to provide information about their travel policies regarding their Users’ and/or Travellers’ travel spend (the “Dasar Perjalanan“). While TruTrip will implement commercially reasonable measures to encourage an Organisation’s Users and Travellers to comply with the Organisation’s Travel Policies, TruTrip cannot guarantee such compliance. TruTrip commits to no less than 95% of the expenditure spent via the Platform to comply with the policy as set by the Organisation within the Platform. In the event compliance drops below 95%, the Organisation will be entitled to any and all commercial benefit of the out of policy spend, and a rebate worth up to 50% of the previous six-month subscription revenue. For the avoidance of doubt, this compliance calculation and relevant percentage must be based on a minimum of $100k (USD) of bookings or more.  In the event $100k of bookings has not been completed, TruTrip accepts no liability.
    2. Cari & Tempahan. When a User searches for a trip, our system displays available results and highlights the options which are out of the relevant Travel Policies. Such User can be the Organisation’s employee, travel manager or other representative of the Organisation. A User may place a Booking for himself, or on behalf of another employee within the Organisation. In these Terms of Use, the employee undertaking the travel is referred to as the “Pelancong“, and may or may not be the same person as the User.The Platform allows the User to book the selected travel itinerary and pay for it according to the methods of payment available on the Platform.A “Tempahan” refers to the booking of a ticket or other services listed at Annex 3 (as the case may be) booked by the User through the Platform. TruTrip will liaise with the relevant service providers (all service providers listed on the Platform referred to as “Pembekal“) to secure the Booking on behalf of the Traveller upon the User’s confirmation of the Booking. Each Booking will be assigned a unique Booking number upon confirmation of the Booking.
    3. Servicing. In case of cancellation, modification or no-show of the Booking, TruTrip will refund to the User and/or the Organisation (as the case may be) the corresponding Booking amounts less any costs for processing payment on the Platform and any costs applied by the Supplier for such cancellation, modification or no-show (provided that said Supplier expressly allows and actually reimburses such amount to TruTrip). In this regard, TruTrip may, at its sole discretion, credit the corresponding amount to the account of the User and/or the Organisation (as the case may be).
    4. Managing and Reporting. We provide data and reports to the Organisation for compliance, pricing and insight purposes. In the event an Organisation wishes to give Platform data access to a 3rd party, TruTrip shall obtain express and explicit permission from the Organisation for 3rd party data sharing for the purpose of reporting, compliance, or insights. The authority given by the Organisation, relating to 3rd party access, shall expressly set out TruTrip’s rights to share relevant data including, where indicated in the permission granted by the Organisation, at a user identifiable level. In addition the Organisation, in giving their authority to TruTrip, also confirms they have the appropriate authority to give permission for and on behalf of all associated Organisations and Users. In all cases TruTrip shall only disclose data to the level authorised within the permissions granted by the Organisation.
    5. Credit Services. At our discretion, we may choose to provide our Credit Service to facilitate payment for Bookings. In all cases, TruTrip has the final decision on whether to offer this service to the Organisation. For more information, please refer to Section 7 of this agreement and Annex 5.
  2. Dengan menggunakan Platform ini untuk membuat Tempahan dan / atau membeli Perkhidmatan, Organisasi, Pengguna dan Pengembara memberi kebenaran kepada TruTrip untuk bertindak sebagai ejen mereka semasa proses tempahan dan pembelian dengan Pembekal yang sesuai, serta untuk pembayaran produk atau perkhidmatan, untuk sejauh yang perlu, untuk memastikan bahawa transaksi antara Organisasi, Pengguna dan / atau Pengembara dan Pembekal, dilakukan dengan betul.


  1. TruTrip will not be responsible for any damages that may result from interferences, omissions, interruptions, computer viruses, breakdowns and/or disconnections in the operational functioning of the electronic system or User’s devices due to causes beyond TruTrip’s control, which prevent or delay the use of the Platform, nor for any delays or obstructions in the use caused by deficiencies or overloading of the Internet or other electronic systems, nor for the impossibility to provide the service or allow the access for causes beyond TruTrip’s control and due to the Users’, third parties, failures in our partner’s and suppliers’ computer systems or force majeure issues.
  2. Walau apa pun yang disebutkan di atas, TruTrip telah mengambil dan akan mengambil semua langkah yang wajar secara komersial, sesuai dengan kemampuan dan keadaan teknologi, untuk memastikan bahawa Platform berfungsi dengan baik dan untuk mengelakkan adanya dan penularan virus dan komponen berbahaya lain kepada Pengguna.
  3. TruTrip berhak untuk mengganggu atau menangguhkan akses ke Platform pada bila-bila masa dan tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya, sama ada atas sebab teknikal, keselamatan, kawalan, atau penyelenggaraan, atau kerana kegagalan bekalan elektrik atau sebab lain.
  4. TruTrip does not control, in general, the use made ​​by the Users of the Platform. In particular, TruTrip does not represent or warrant that Users will use the Platform in accordance with the applicable law, these Terms of Use, moral principles, received customs and usages and/or public order, or that they will do so in a diligent and cautious way. Consequently, TruTrip is not responsible for the use that Users make of the contents of the Platform that may involve a violation of any national or international law, intellectual property rights or any other third parties’ right.
  5. Pengguna akan bertanggungjawab untuk penggunaan Platform dan untuk apa-apa kesan langsung atau tidak langsung yang timbul dari Platform, termasuk tetapi tidak terhad kepada semua hasil ekonomi, teknikal dan / atau undang-undang serta tidak memenuhi harapan yang dihasilkan oleh Platform, dan mereka dengan ini terikat untuk mengganti rugi TruTrip atas segala tuntutan yang timbul, secara langsung atau tidak langsung, dari fakta tersebut.
  6. Sejauh yang diizinkan oleh undang-undang, baik TruTrip atau pegawai, pengarah, pekerja, wakil atau pihak lain yang terlibat dalam membuat, menaja, mempromosikan, atau menyediakan Platform dan kandungannya akan bertanggungjawab untuk (a) apa-apa hukuman, khas , kerugian atau ganti rugi tidak langsung atau akibat, kehilangan pengeluaran, kehilangan keuntungan, kehilangan hasil, kehilangan kontrak, kehilangan atau kerosakan muhibah atau reputasi, kehilangan tuntutan; (b) sebarang ketidaktepatan yang berkaitan dengan maklumat (termasuk kadar, ketersediaan dan penilaian) Pembekal seperti yang disediakan di platform kami; (c) perkhidmatan yang diberikan atau produk yang ditawarkan oleh Pembekal atau rakan niaga lain; (d) sebarang kerosakan, kerugian atau kos (langsung, tidak langsung, berurutan atau menghukum) yang ditanggung, ditanggung atau dibayar oleh anda, berdasarkan, timbul dari atau berkaitan dengan penggunaan, ketidakmampuan untuk menggunakan atau kelewatan Platform kami; atau (e) sebarang kecederaan diri, kematian, kerosakan harta benda, atau kerosakan, kerugian atau kos langsung, tidak langsung, khas, akibat atau hukuman yang diderita, ditanggung atau dibayar oleh anda, sama ada disebabkan oleh tindakan, kesalahan, pelanggaran, kecuaian, salah laku yang disengajakan , peninggalan, ketidakpastian, penyataan yang salah, siksaan atau tanggungjawab ketat oleh atau sepenuhnya atau sebahagiannya disebabkan oleh Pembekal atau mana-mana rakan niaga kami yang lain (termasuk mana-mana pekerja, pengarah, pegawai, ejen, wakil atau syarikat gabungan mereka) yang produk atau perkhidmatan (secara langsung atau tidak langsung) disediakan, ditawarkan atau dipromosikan di atau melalui Platform, termasuk, tetapi tidak terhad kepada, pembatalan penuh, sebahagian, penundaan, kelewatan atau kehilangan bagasi, mogok, force majeure atau acara lain di luar kawalan kita.
  7. Untuk mengelakkan keraguan, TruTrip hanya akan bertanggungjawab atas niat sengaja atau kecuaian besar oleh wakilnya yang sah sehingga tanggungjawab tersebut dikenakan berdasarkan undang-undang yang berlaku. Walau di atas, tanggungjawab TruTrip yang digariskan dalam perenggan ini adalah terhad kepada kerugian atau kerosakan harta benda yang dialami oleh Pengguna atau Pengembara.
  8. TruTrip is only responsible for passing on the Traveller’s relevant information to the Supplier for the Supplier’s fulfilment of a Booking or provision of the Services.
  9. Setelah Tempahan dibuat, semua terma dan syarat serta syarat kontrak lain dari Pembekal masing-masing akan berlaku seperti di antara Pembekal dan Pengguna dan / atau Pengembara. TruTrip tidak akan bertanggungjawab atas pelanggaran, keingkaran atau kekurangan semasa penyediaan perkhidmatan oleh Pembekal. TruTrip tidak bertanggungjawab dan tidak mempunyai tanggungjawab kepada anda berkenaan dengan sebarang Tempahan tanpa mengira keadaan yang tidak dijangka termasuk tetapi tidak terhad kepada kelewatan, pembatalan, kelewatan paksa, mogok, tempahan berlebihan. Semua terma dan syarat dan syarat kontrak Pembekal lain antara Pembekal dan Pengguna dan / atau Pengembara akan berlaku sebagai tambahan dan akan berlaku atas Syarat Penggunaan ini. Tanpa batasan kepada istilah lain dalam Syarat Penggunaan ini, sekiranya hubungan antara Pengguna dan / atau Pengembara dan Pembekal menyebabkan kegagalan atau pelanggaran lain terhadap Syarat Penggunaan ini, TruTrip tidak akan bertanggungjawab.
  10. Selain itu, Pengguna dan Pengembara akan bersama-sama dan secara berasingan menahan TruTrip tanpa bahaya sepanjang tuntutan dan / atau kerosakan yang disebabkan oleh Pengembara kepada pihak ketiga semasa perjalanan, dan akan menanggung semua tanggungjawab, kerosakan dan / atau kecederaan dan / atau kewajipan yang berasal dari atau disebabkan oleh pelanggaran mana-mana terma dan syarat Pembekal oleh mana-mana Pengembara.


  1. Semua Pengguna bersetuju untuk terikat dengan Syarat Penggunaan ini dan bertindak mengikut semua undang-undang yang berlaku dan setiap saat dengan niat baik. Pengguna bersetuju untuk tidak menggunakan Platform dengan cara apa pun yang dapat mencegah atau merosakkan fungsi Platform yang betul, hak TruTrip, Pengguna lain atau pihak ketiga mana pun.
  2. The User and/or the Organisation agrees to pay to TruTrip for all Bookings made by the User on the Platform. In the event that the User for some reason does not pay TruTrip for any Booking for which payment he is responsible, the Organisation shall pay TruTrip all outstanding payment amounts accordingly upon TruTrip’s demand.
  3. Organisasi dan Pengguna akan bertanggungjawab secara bersama dan berasingan untuk melindungi setiap kata laluan yang disediakan oleh TruTrip untuk memasuki Platform dan menjamin bahawa tidak ada pihak ketiga yang tidak sah akan dapat mengaksesnya. Organisasi dan Pengguna menyatakan bahawa semua maklumat yang diberikan oleh mereka untuk memasuki Platform, sebelum dan semasa penggunaan (termasuk tanpa batasan untuk membuat Tempahan), adalah benar, lengkap dan tepat dan menjamin maklumat ini dikemas kini.
  4. The Organisations and Users agree to not use this Platform for illegal or improper purposes. In particular, the Organisations and Users accept that the Bookings made on the Platform (including the purchase of services pursuant to such Bookings) are for their own use or consumption, or for the use and consumption of their employees in whose name they are legally authorised to act. The Organisations and Users may not resell the Bookings (including the services pursuant to such Bookings) to third parties. TruTrip reserves the right to deny access to the Platform at any moment with no prior notice when TruTrip has reasonable belief an Organisations and/or Users are, or intend to, use the Platform for illegal or improper purposes.
  5. Users and Travellers are responsible for ensuring that Travellers meet foreign entry requirements and that Travellers’ travel documents, such as passports and visas (transit, business, tourist, and otherwise), are in order and any other foreign entry requirements are met. TruTrip is not responsible and shall not be liable if any Traveller is refused entry into any country.


The Organisation may contract with TruTrip for premium services in addition to those stated in these Terms of Use, in which case the terms and conditions expressly agreed by and between TruTrip and the Organisation shall apply together with these Terms of Use.

For details of TruTrip’s standard subscription plans, and what is included, please refer to Annex 7.


  1. All Bookings made shall be paid by either the User or the Organisation (as selected by the User) by credit card or such other methods indicated on the Platform from time to time.
  2. If any Supplier charges TruTrip for any additional services not previously charged on the Platform, TruTrip reserves the right to charge the Organisation accordingly.
  3. TruTrip reserves the right to cancel any Booking or request for Booking in the event that TruTrip reasonably believes that any transaction relating to the Booking is fraudulent e.g., the payment method is not legally valid, and/or the User and/or the Organisation (as the case may be) is not the legal owner of such payment method. Under these circumstances, TruTrip will attempt to contact the User and/or the Organisation using the e-mail address provided during the booking process, or through the User and/or Organisation’s bank (as the case may be). If TruTrip cannot contact the User and/or the Organisation or their respective bank, the Booking or request for Booking will be automatically cancelled for security reasons.
  4. The Organisation may choose to use one of the Credit Services available to facilitate payment for Bookings. In all cases, the Credit Provider has the final decision on whether to offer this service to the Organisation:
    1. For Organisations based in Singapore and Malaysia the Credit Provider is Fluid Financials Pte Ltd (GoFluid). Please see Annex 5 for more information
    2. Outside Singapore and Malaysia, TruTrip is the Credit Provider. The terms of the facility shall be set by TruTrip in alignment with the Rates, Frequency and Payment Term options (the Credit Terms) outlined in Annex 5.
    3. As part of this facility, invoices shall be
      1. sent to the designated contact at the Organisation.
      2. issued as a summary of transactions and include, as an annex, a list of the transactions and transaction reference numbers that can be further reviewed via the Platform.
      3. directed to up to 4 different billing entities. Additional entities can be arranged at a charge of $15 per entity.
      4. sent with the agreed payment instructions invoice.
      5. sent with both Singapore Dollar amounts or the local currency amounts (if appropriate) shown. The local currency value shown on the invoice is the amount due to be received by TruTrip; however, on the Platform the value will be shown as per the Organisation’s Billing Currency. The currency exchange rates between billing currency and invoice currency, where appropriate, shall be shown on the invoice and based on https://wise.com/, inclusive of their fees.
      6. net of all fees associated with the transfer. Any fees required to send or receive the money related to invoices, must be borne by the Organisation.
      7. subject to invoice query or payment challenge by the Organisation within three working days of receiving the invoice.
      8. considered received 1 working day after electronic issuance (i.e., when sent via email).
    4. The termination process for the Credit Agreement service depends on whether there is an Outstanding Balance. An Outstanding Balance is defined as a difference between monies received and the cost of services rendered. In the event:
      1. there is no Outstanding Balance, no further action is needed from either party once notice is given.
      2. there is an Outstanding Balance owed to TruTrip, the Organisation shall settle into a bank account nominated by the receiver by the latter of (i) 10 working days of the termination date, or (ii) 5 working days from being notified of the nominated bank account.
      3. there is an Outstanding Balance owed to the Organisation, TruTrip shall settle immediately available funds within 5 working days from being notified of the nominated bank account. Funds not available due to refunds in process or disputes with Travel Suppliers, shall be held until a time they are available. TruTrip shall provide monthly updates on the state of such funds held by Travel Suppliers and agree to not unduly delay any refund process.
      4. In the event TruTrip holds a Travel Suppliers’ credit on behalf of the Organisation, for example, because of a refund, TruTrip shall make best efforts to economically transfer ownership to the Organisation. If ownership transfer is not possible, TruTrip shall not be liable for the value of the credit and such funds shall be written off by both parties.


  1. Untuk tujuan ini Fasal 8.1, the term “Maklumat Sulit” refers to information disclosed to TruTrip by the Organisation and/or the User belonging to the Organisation for the purpose of providing the Services through the Platform. TruTrip shall consider all information provided as “Confidential” unless the information is publicly available or stated otherwise. Confidential Information includes information relating to company data, know-how, trade secrets, and also any information or analyses derived from, containing or reflecting such information, provided that such information is marked “Confidential” by the Organisation and/or User.
  2. Maklumat Rahsia tidak termasuk maklumat yang (a) tersedia secara terbuka pada masa pendedahannya kepada TruTrip; (b) menjadi tersedia untuk umum selain daripada pendedahan oleh TruTrip yang melanggar ini Fasal 8; (c) was lawfully in TruTrip’s possession free of any restriction as to its use or disclosure prior to its being so disclosed by the Organisation and/or User to TruTrip; (d) is required by law or regulator or by any court of competent jurisdiction to be disclosed; and (e) is personal data that will be treated in accordance with TruTrip’s prevailing Privacy and Cookies Policy which, at all times, shall be in compliance with local data protection and privacy laws.
  3. TruTrip shall not disclose the Confidential Information to any third party except with the Organisation’s and/or User’s consent, save that TruTrip may disclose such Confidential Information to such extent as it deems appropriate for the fulfilment of any Booking and/or the provision of any Services.
  4. If, for any reason, the Organisation or User requests the return of its Confidential Information, TruTrip agrees to return as soon as reasonably practicable such Confidential Information or confirm in writing that it has been destroyed. To the extent that such Confidential Information has been stored on TruTrip’s archive or back up electronic systems, TruTrip shall not be required to delete the Confidential Information but shall make reasonable efforts to have the Confidential Information deleted from such systems.
  5. Kewajipan kerahsiaan yang dinyatakan dalam ini Fasal 8 akan terus berlaku berkaitan dengan Maklumat Rahsia yang disimpan oleh TruTrip.


  1. Semua hak harta intelek dan industri serta semua maklumat yang terdapat di Platform (seperti teks, gambar, grafik, kod sumber, gambar, reka bentuk, struktur penyemakan imbas, pangkalan data, tanda dagang, jenama dan nama komersial, logo, tanda yang berbeza, nama domain dan profil sosial, rahsia perdagangan dan pengetahuan, nama dan jenama komersial, hak cipta, hak yang serupa atau berkaitan dengan hak cipta atau hak sui generis pada pangkalan data, paten, model utiliti, model industri dan kandungan lain yang mungkin muncul di dalamnya, tanpa mengira sama ada mereka telah didaftarkan atau tidak) adalah milik eksklusif atau dilesenkan kepada TruTrip atau pihak berkaitan TruTrip lain.
  2. Syarat Penggunaan ini tidak memberikan hak harta industri atau intelektual mana-mana kandungan Platform kepada mana-mana pihak termasuk tanpa batasan Pengguna dan Organisasi. Pembiakan, transformasi, pengedaran, komunikasi awam, penggunaan semula, penerusan atau penggunaan apa jua bentuk, dengan cara atau prosiding apa pun, dilarang kecuali apabila diperintahkan oleh undang-undang atau secara tegas dibenarkan secara bertulis oleh TruTrip dan / atau oleh pemilik intelektual hak milik.
  3. Users and Organisations are only authorized to view and obtain a temporary private copy of the content of the Platform for their personal and private use in their computer systems (software and hardware) for the sole purpose of using the Platform. These copies should not be assigned to third parties. Notwithstanding the foregoing, users should not modify or reproduce, in whole or in part, such content without TruTrip’s express written consent, particularly:
    1. Pengguna dan Organisasi dilarang menggunakan kandungan di Platform untuk tujuan komersial atau profesional, selain mendapat manfaat daripada Perkhidmatan;
    2. Pengguna dan Organisasi dilarang membuang, mengabaikan dan / atau memanipulasi hak cipta dan data pengenalan lain TruTrip atau mekanisme perlindungan lain; dan
    3. Pengguna dilarang membongkar, menguraikan atau membalikkan pangkalan data di mana maklumat Platform disimpan.
  4. Semua kandungan dan maklumat di Platform dilindungi oleh hak cipta sejauh yang dibenarkan berdasarkan undang-undang yang berlaku. Tidak ada Pengguna, Organisasi atau pihak ketiga yang boleh menggunakan atau menjual kandungan dan maklumat yang terdapat di Platform.
  5. Trademarks bearing TruTrip’s name and logo displayed on the Platform are TruTrip’s exclusive property and are duly registered or in the registration process. Names of other products, services and companies that appear in the Platform may be trademarks or other distinctive signs registered by their own owners.


Sekiranya ada ketentuan dalam Syarat Penggunaan ini dianggap tidak sah, tidak sah atau tidak dapat dilaksanakan secara keseluruhan atau sebagian dalam bidang kuasa mana pun, Syarat Penggunaan ini akan, seperti di bidang kuasa tersebut, akan terus berlaku sebagaimana ketentuan lainnya dan selebihnya dari peruntukan yang terjejas. Kesahan, kesahan dan kebolehlaksanaan peruntukan tersebut dalam bidang kuasa lain tidak akan terjejas.


  1. Syarat Penggunaan ini akan diatur, ditafsirkan dan diberlakukan sesuai dengan undang-undang Singapura.
  2. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with these Terms of Use, including any question regarding their existence, validity or termination, shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration administered by the Singapore International Arbitration Centre in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre for the time being in force, which rules are deemed to be incorporated by reference in this Clause 12.2. The seat of the arbitration shall be Singapore. The Tribunal shall consist of one (1) arbitrator. The language of the arbitration shall be English.
  3. You consent to service of process out of any court (where applicable) by the same being left at your address indicated on the Platform (or sent by registered mail to this address), or by e-mail to your e-mail address indicated to TruTrip or on the Platform. You consent regardless of whether or not personal service is required or otherwise. Where service of process is sent by registered mail, the service shall be deemed to be made in the absence of any evidence to the contrary by the tenth day. Nothing in this paragraph shall affect TruTrip’s right to serve legal process in any other manner permitted by law.


Kami secara berkala boleh menyemak Syarat Penggunaan kami. Versi Terma Penggunaan semasa kami akan selalu diposkan di Platform, jadi sila periksa kembali secara berkala. Dengan terus menggunakan Perkhidmatan kami setelah semakan berkuatkuasa, anda bersetuju dengan Syarat Penggunaan yang disemak semula. Sekiranya anda tidak bersetuju dengan Syarat Penggunaan yang disemak semula, silakan berhenti menggunakan Perkhidmatan.

ANNEX 1 List of Websites

Relevant websites known generally as the “Platform”

  • TruTrip.co
  • TruTrip.my
  • TruTrip.sg
  • TruTrip.id

LAMPIRAN 2 Senarai Perniagaan

TruTrip Pte. Ltd, UEN 201915540Z
9 Raffles Place, #26-01 Republic Plaza, Singapore 048619

TruTrip Sdn Bhd, UEN 1352715-P
Unit C-12-4, 12 Jalan Yap Kwan Seng, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Pt. TruTrip Teknologi Indonesia
93.691.547.9-086.000, Ruko Permata Regency Blok D No. 37, JL. Haji Kelk

TruTrip Pty Ltd, ACN 661 091 158, ABN 36 661 091 158
193 Bay Road, Sandringham, Victoria, Australia, 3191

LAMPIRAN 3 Senarai Perkhidmatan

Tempahan merujuk kepada

  • Penerbangan
  • Penginapan; termasuk Hotel, Resort, Asrama, Rumah tumpangan, Penginapan dan Homestay
  • Trains
  • Car Service
  • Car Rental
  • Work Spaces
  • Events & Conferences

Other services include

  • Visa Services (delivered in partnership with Click2Visas)
  • Fit to fly
  • TruCare

ANNEX 4 Additional Fees & Charges

Charges are displayed in Singapore Dollars (SGD), US Dollars (USD), Australian Dollars (AUD), Malaysian Ringgit (MYR), and Indonesian Rupiah (IDR). The final amount charged will be in the billing currency set in your account and calculated based on the prevailing FX rate on the day of the transaction, as provided by Wise (https://wise.com/).

Perkhidmatan Keperluan penting Piawai Premium
Subscription Package (see section 6 for details) Free SG$99.00/month
Managed onboarding(1)(optional and one off) SG$400.00
Service fee (charged per booking) SG$3.50/booking
Annual plan benefits none 2 extra months 2 extra months
Low usage charge (applicable on accounts with less than SG$5,000.00/ US$3,700.00/ AU$5,700.00/ MYR1,400.00/ IDR64,000,000 a quarter) SG$90.00/quarter
no charge no charge
Booking via Support due to

i) Option not available on the platform(2)

ii) A significant price variance (+5%)

iii) AirBnB booking

iv) System error / failure

Standard Service fee
Concierge planning and booking

(note: trips may have multiple bookings)

Bulk concierge pre-purchase(3) SG$220.00 per month for 10 concierge booking services.
US$165.00 per month for 10 concierge booking services.
AU$250.00 per month for 10 concierge booking services.
MYR950.00 per month for 10 concierge booking services.
IDR2,800,000 per month for 10 concierge booking services.
Multi-City Trips (regardless of booking method) Standard Service fee
Voluntary Changes & Modifications(4) SG$25.00
Voluntary Cancellation (including refunds) SG$25.00
Involuntary change or cancellation Free of Charge
Reprocessing of Payments, e.g. due to a payment method being declined SG$5.00
Visa Services (short term visa only) SG$10.00 plus agent fees and any visa costs
US$7.00 plus agent fees and any visa costs
AU$11.00 plus agent fees and any visa costs
MYR40.00 plus agent fees and any visa costs
IDR130,000 plus agent fees and any visa costs
Unpaid invoices/charges (after 2nd attempt)

  • First 3 days after notice



  • After 3 days






+SG$30.00 plus 0.8% of total bill value per day from notice
+US$22.00 plus 0.8% of total bill value per day from notice
+AU$33.50 plus 0.8% of total bill value per day from notice
+MYR100.00 plus 0.8% of total bill value per day from notice
+IDR360,000 plus 0.8% of total bill value per day from notice

VIP Services such as Airport FastTrack, Lounge access, meet & greet at gate Harga atas Permintaan
Checkin service SG$5.00 / check in process / person
US$3.50 / check in process / person
AU$5.50 / check in process / person
MYR21.00 / check in process / person
IDR64,000 / check in process / person
Additional year of travel history (arranged in in advance only) SG$150.00/year for each extra year
US$110.00/year for each extra year
AU$170.00/year for each extra year
MYR640.00/year for each extra year
IDR1,900,000/year for each extra year
not applicable
Payment fee: prepayment / deposit No charge
Payment fee: credit card Standard Stripe fees based on transaction location (see Stripe or platform for details)
Payment fee: invoice / credit based see Annex 5 Credit Agreement Options
Groups See Annex 6 Group Bookings Terms

1 – Our Managed Onboarding eases your setup process. We handle initial user additions, policy setup, and reporting refinements. You’ll receive a two-hour training, a custom user guide video, and a dedicated Client Success Agent for the first month to resolve any issues promptly.

2 – This does not include options hidden by your company’s policy. In the event that a booking is requested for options available, but hidden by policy users can either a) request one of their super-admin to book on their behalf or b) use concierge services at the prevailing rate.

3 – These trips need to be booked within the month. Any unused slots will not roll over and will be lost.

4 – The client accepts the, if any, additional charges incurred/charged due to charges from our Travel Supplier.

ANNEX 5 Credit Agreement Options

Within Singapore and Malaysia

TruTrip is pleased to offer you the opportunity to use an Invoice Payment option with a payment term of either 15 or 30 days.
In Singapore and Malaysia the Credit Provider is Fluid Financials Pte Ltd (GoFluid).
Upon requesting Invoice Payment, your Account Manager will share all the relevant details with the Credit Provider to facilitate your onboarding and approval / acceptance. In usage of our Invoice payment option, you acknowledge and accept the Credit Provider’s terms of service which can be found here for GoFluid and in this Annex for TruTrip.
However, please note:

  • Late payments may cause disruption to the use of TruTrip and the Credit Provider, including but not limited to the suspension of Invoice Payment method and administrative fees.
  • Enablement and continued use of the Invoice Payment method is subject to a credit assessment and approval completed by, and at the absolute discretion of, the Credit Provider. Removal / suspension of this payment method can occur without notice if TruTrip has reasonable grounds to believe there has been a breach of our terms.
  • TruTrip shall charge a payment fee of 1.1% for 15 day payment terms and/or 2.2% for 30 day payment terms for use of this Invoice Payment service.
  • In the event the credit provider leverages further charges, based on the terms you agree with them, we shall pass those charges on to you in the next invoice. In the event your invoice is overdue by more than 14 days, we will collect those charges via your card on file.

If you are unsure who your Account Manager is, please contact support.

Outside Singapore and Malaysia

TruTrip Pte Ltd remains the Credit Provider.

  • Availability: Enablement and continued use of the Invoice Payment method is approved at our discretion. Removal / suspension of this payment method can occur without notice if TruTrip has reasonable grounds to believe there has been a breach of our terms.
  • Credit Allocation: we offer a flexible credit line ranging from SGD 5,000 to SGD 15,000. The credit limit assigned to you is determined by our assessment and is granted at our discretion.
  • Payment Terms:
    • For payments with an agreed settlement date of 15 days from the invoice date, TruTrip shall charge 1.1% of the invoice amount. For an agreed settlement date of 30 days, the charge is 2.2%.
    • All charges shall be added to the invoice at time of issuance.
    • All clients are initially set up for a 15-day payment term.
  • Invoice Queries: Should you have any questions or concerns about your invoice, please let us know in writing within 3 working days of receiving it. Any adjustments post this period will be addressed through a credit note and therefore payment of the original invoice will be expected.
  • Credit Card Requirement: Clients with a TruTrip credit line must have a registered credit card on file. This card will be charged if an invoice remains unpaid after 14 days. Standard card fees apply for such payments.
  • Late Payment Protocol:
    • Overdue invoices will attract an additional administrative fee of 3.5% per month, calculated daily until full payment is received. This fee will be included in your next invoice however if payment is delayed beyond 14 days, the entire invoice amount, plus late fees, will be charged to your card on file.
    • Delayed payments can also affect your credit facility with TruTrip, possibly leading to a reduction in the service offer or suspension of services without notice.
  • Credit Term Adjustments: For accounts that are in good standing, TruTrip reserves the right to propose changes to credit terms, giving at least 45 working days’ notice, unless otherwise agreed.

ANNEX 6 Group Booking Service

We have simplified our group booking service to make sure you have the very best options available, at the best price we can offer. We request commission free options for vendors and are not bound to any particular network. Our pricing is fully transparent. For more details on our service, please see our website. Charges relating to group bookings are split into two:

Initial charges

At the outset, TruTrip charges $100 (or its equivalent in your local currency) for each component of your group request. A “component” refers to an individual booking item like a round-trip flight or a single hotel stay. This initial charge enables us to assign the resource to generate a travel plan including a budget and a minimum of three quotes. If you decide to move forward with a booking, this initial charge will be credited towards your booking and management charge.

Booking and management charges

For our group booking services, we implement a fee structure which is the greater of either $100 per booking component or 2% of the total booking cost (3% if you are on the Essentials plan). In both cases, the “Initial charges” you’ve already paid for that component will be deducted from the final service fee. This way, we ensure that we provide you with the best possible service while maintaining a fair and transparent cost model.

Please be assured that we uphold a principle of full transparency in our pricing. If a supplier charge includes a commission(5), we commit to remitting this commission to you within 10 days of our receipt. This way, we maintain an open and honest relationship with you regarding all financial matters.


Our standard Booking and Management fees cover name changes for up to 5% of the initial group (the initial allowance). Beyond this, each name change incurs a $20 fee. For date changes post-booking, we levy a $50 charge per change, applicable to any number of individuals. All Supplier-induced charges for changes are your responsibility unless the change results from our error.


Payment is required upfront as per the milestones laid out in our proposal. Accepting the proposal implies agreement to these payment terms. If the final payment is delayed, we’ll strive to secure the original proposal, but cannot guarantee it. For any changes and re-negotiation due to delayed payment we shall charge an additional $50 per booking.

5 – Including but not limiting to: Referral fees, Agent’s fee, Profit share, Incentives and any other form of direct financial benefit as a result of your business.

ANNEX 7 Comparison of Standard Subscription plans

Perkhidmatan Keperluan penting Piawai Premium
Harga Free $99/month (SGD) $890/month (SGD)
Key benefits
  • Lowest available plan
  • 24/7 support available
  • Unlimited travellers
  • Ability to manage more complex travel requirements
  • Lower transaction fees
  • Access to line of credit (up to $15k)
  • Bespoke solutions for your business – user groups, line of credit, integrations
  • Private fare access
  • Input into product development priorities
Best suited for businesses with
  • Intermittent travel
  • Less than 20-30 regular travellers
  • Relatively simple travel needs
  • Annual travel spend up to $400k
  • Mixed travel needs, likely regional and global travel
  • Annual travel spend greater than $400k
  • Complex global travel needs
  • Multiple, complex user group structures
  • Multiple policies
  • Specific requirements, e.g. approvals, forms of payment, integrations etc
  • Limited to 100 users
  • 12 months travel history
  • 2 active travel policies
  • 4 user groups
  • no credit option
  • Minimum spend requirement, otherwise quarterly fee
  • 5 years travel history