Dispelling 4 myths about travel management companies

Kiran Sidhu
Kiran Sidhu
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Travel management companies

Last Updated on: March 7, 2023 at 9:25 am

There are HR and business leaders believe that they do not need the assistance of travel management companies. Booking via consumer sites is simple, convenient, and quick enough. Why then is the service of a travel management company important? Because there are so many gaps beyond just booking when it comes to corporate travel.

Corporate travel is a crucial aspect of modern business operations and one of the highest expenses for many organizations. Although expenses on business travel plunged in the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, research shows that the rate of corporate travel has gradually experienced an increase over the past several months. However, as many uncertainties still hover around corporate travel and the travel industry, HR leaders and business leaders realise that travelling for business has many advantages. Still, it can be complicated to plan and manage

As more employees return to corporate travel, instead of a travel agency it’d be best for companies to consider a comprehensive solution for travel management. To save the travellers from the hassles of going back and forth from different agencies and vendors, it is high time to efficiently manage travel expenses and logistics; and this is where Travel Management Companies (TMCs) come in.

TMCs directly help businesses to streamline all aspects of their travels. TMCs are distinct from other kinds of corporate travel solutions in this regard. They provide a superior and more comprehensive service than consumer sites (Agoda, for example) and online travel agencies. 

TMCs implement technology, such as an all-in-one online platform that offers extensive travel inventory, automated travel policy, risk management, and more. All to help businesses with their travel objectives and make it possible for them to save time and costs. Travel management has never been easier thanks to such comprehensive solutions.

Nonetheless, a lot of CEOs enjoy having a TMC, contrary to what most people think. However, it can only be learned by letting go of preconceived notions about how useful this instrument really is. It’s high time we cleared some misconceptions; here are some common Myths business leaders have about partnering with travel management companies.

1. “The process of approving trips, booking flights, hotels and other things would take longer.”

Most travel managers believe it will be a lengthy process because, instead of simply speaking and booking directly, they will have to use another platform and learn it. The problem, in this case, is seeing the bigger picture because travel management goes beyond booking a flight and hotel. A comprehensive travel management platform eliminates the risks that arise when a company does not have a well-established travel management system and replaces it with a service that promotes cost-cutting, risk management, productivity, and welfare. 

When you have a good travel management system, your company’s travel becomes hassle-free. They will keep track of the money you spend on travel, evaluate your return on investment, and build a travel plan that meets all of your requirements, including your preferred departure and arrival times, access to lounges, and car rental.

Additionally, it is important to remember that it is about making sure that your employees are covered on the occasion of an emergency and that you have the support you need, all of which a good travel management company can provide. You’ll be able to concentrate on productivity, your job, and the company. Once implemented, all of the features streamlined into one would benefit managers and corporate travellers in the long run. 

2. “My company is still too small for that.”

Smaller companies may believe that travel management companies are not necessary or even cost-effective. Contrary to popular belief, large corporations aren’t the only ones who benefit from corporate travel or travel management companies. The reality is that it is inevitable that business trips will eventually become an integral part of your company’s operations at some point, whether you’re a small or medium-sized business (SME).

Also,  studies show that small businesses actually outspend their larger counterparts per person. This isn’t because they’re booking better hotels, cars, or flights; rather, it’s because they’re not taking advantage of a travel management company’s powerful buying power, which can always negotiate the best rates. Choosing a travel management solution is a good first step if you’re a small business owner dealing with any of the issues listed below.

  • Spending too much time researching travel restrictions & requirements. 
  • Using multiple websites to find the best deals on flights and hotels.
  • If concerns about the health and safety of your employees arise and there are no solutions available.
  • Employees who have difficulty adhering to the company’s travel policy.

The truth is that you don’t have to wait until your business reaches a certain size to invest in travel management. Even a small company can reap the rewards of a travel management system. When it comes to saving money, small businesses are always looking for new ways to do so. Travel-management software can help you keep tabs on your business trip costs and make more precise reservations for them. If you’re still holding back, you may want to consider a free version of the TruTrip platform

3. “Giving my employees the power to book on their own will take away from my control on costs.”

When enforcing travel policies and budgets, many travel managers are wary of allowing their employees to book travel on their own. The problem is that without a travel management solution, you’re likely spending 30% or more than you should be. Finding areas where spending can be reduced or new budgets allocated to areas with positive business results is a smart and modern way to stay on top of your corporate travel expenses.

Expenses for corporate travel can quickly spiral out of control if they aren’t properly managed. As a business owner, it’s critical to strike a balance between keeping your employees safe, healthy, and content while also spending the appropriate amount on corporate travel.

All aspects of corporate travel are covered by travel management platforms, including increasing adherence to travel policies, booking trips, controlling costs, and ensuring the safety of employees. Here is how travel companies can help companies enforce travel policies and budgets:

  • Automating travel policies makes it easier for employees to understand and adhere to your travel policy. Managers will be notified if a reservation is made that is outside of the company’s policy.
  • The availability of more flexible travel alternatives which are excellent for corporate travellers who wish to protect themselves in the event of cancellations or other factors.
  • A single platform allows you to keep track of all of your travel expenses and claims, making it easier to report and plan ahead. It also allows you to better control your corporate travel spending and keep track of trends in costs over time.

A travel management company like TruTrip offers features that would keep employees in cooperation by making them book pre-approved choices only. 

4. “It’d be harder to have issues resolved during travel.”

More often than not, there are worries about who to reach out to if a problem comes up. Technology has made corporate travel management much easier and more efficient as risks might arise when corporate travel management is done manually.

There is no reason why any business or company should miss out on cutting-edge travel technology. Managers do not have to be available for late-night phone calls or travel problems if you use a travel management company. There is a 24-hour, 365-day-a-year workforce dedicated entirely to the protection of your travellers at TMCs. They keep an eye on the safety hazards, weather, airport closures, and the pandemic rules and regulations in order to predict who would be affected by these occurrences. As well as provide up-to-date information available to keep their clients, travel agents, and travellers when required. 

Certainly, there is a feeling of satisfaction when you are confident that there is always a resolution available. With TruTrip, 24/7 human customer support is guaranteed. You don’t have to worry about anything.

Clearly, the benefits of travel management solutions outweigh the myths or pain points of moving from an unmanaged travel program to a management company. A travel management company can help your company book travel for your employees, encourage employee compliance with your corporate travel policy, and ensure the safety and security of corporate travellers. All of which show that travel management companies are a worthwhile investment for corporations. 

Ready to transform your travel management programme?

TruTrip is at your service. Book a demo from us today or sign up for a free trial on TruTrip.