4 ways TruTrip makes HR and travel managers happy ๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿปโ€๐Ÿ’ผโญ

Sani Gouw
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travel managers

Last Updated on: March 7, 2023 at 9:24 am

One of the challenging parts travel managers and HR leaders face is the travel management process. With the influx of corporate travel in recent times, the importance and value of travel management companies (TMCs) have been revealed more so than before. TMCs like TruTrip show companies that managing corporate travel need not be troublesome. We are dedicated to helping companies plan a trip successfully and ensuring safety at a reasonable cost.

Notably, a TMC provides a platform for employees to book travel while HR leaders can keep the bookings in check. A TMC differs from a travel agency because it gives booking systems to ensure travellers receive the best possible rates. Securing with a TMC does not involve any hidden tricks or gamification strategies. It is a consistent, dependable platform that provides your company with the best rates regardless of when employees book.

Travel management is a process that focuses on organizing corporate travel, keeping track of your various travel expenses, and developing a comprehensive travel strategy. It is intended as a discipline to assist businesses and their employees in optimizing how they deal with their travel needs. This includes ensuring that everything is done correctly while minimizing any negative impact on things like productivity and financial results.

At Trutrip, here are a few ways we make travel management easier so that you can focus on the increasing value of your business:

1. We make monitoring your travellers easier for you.

There are numerous issues that business travellers may encounter that can be disruptive. Furthermore, it is difficult to avoid comparing how travel has changed since our pre-Covid days. Employees must feel supported when theyโ€™re navigating through corporate travel. With Trutrip, you can monitor your travellers during the journey and ensure safety even in the face of risks. 

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While following your company’s duty of care and travel policy, we will add value by offering a flexible travel arrangement and giving up-to-date travel advisories. We understand how important employee safety is to your organization, regardless of how many employees travel for business at any time. We can track everything from the weather to current events to ensure that your employees receive the help they require in an emergency.

With a vital duty of care program and effective travel risk management, we can help you avoid unexpected and significant costs when responding to an employee emergency, potential legal issues, and dissatisfied travellers. We can also help you stay updated with travel alerts and real-time location information for your employees. With constant access to travel risk information, you can react quickly and protect your employees if something unexpected occurs.

2. We make the booking process faster and cheaper.

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By automating your travel policy and process, you can save your employees the stresses and the extensive paperwork involved in just one business trip. By saying yes to what this technology can offer your company, youโ€™re saying no to repetitive explanations as to why a business trip may have been rejected. Now, that time saved can go to more meaningful work. 

With TruTrip, we can advance your booking process all while saving you from spending significant money. This is especially true if you travel frequently or plan to take your employees on business trips.

TruTrip has business connections throughout the travel industry, which allows them to obtain favourable hotel rates. They also know to find cheap flights in the right location and book flights at the right time. As a result, overall travel expenses are reduced significantly.

3. We provide support for your business travel needs.

Research revealed that 1 in 5 travellers are stressed about business trips. This can easily be alleviated by having a dedicated support team readily available. You are responsible for developing and sustaining a dynamic, complex program as a travel manager. There are numerous advantages to working with a dedicated support team to help manage your program. 

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A significant advantage of working with a travel management company is the availability of assistance at all times. Most businesses would need 24/7 support while on a trip or close to it. If something goes wrong, if you need to make a quick change, or if you need immediate advice, someone will be there to assist you.

If you do not use a travel manager, you will have to handle any travel issues internally. With Trutrip, HR doesn’t have to struggle to find support outside of business hours while on a trip, and you’re guaranteed customer service even in the middle of the night.

4. We streamlined all travel inventories and needs in one place.

It’s challenging to establish a rapport with the internet, and while you don’t need to speak to a human for most bookings, some aren’t as simple as click and confirm. With TruTrip, we got you covered from Flights down to train lines, and car rentals. We can even assist you in booking meeting rooms, events and gatherings.

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You will also be treated as a person, not a booking reference number. We gather inventory from thousands of websites and traditional travel distribution systems, saving you time searching.

Seamless business travel with TruTrip

With our advanced platform, you have more time to dedicate to business growth. There is no better time to begin planning than now. To learn more about TruTrip, schedule a demo or sign up for a free trial.