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TruTrip - Seamless travel booking, approval, tracking and support - all in one place

TruTrip Service Levels Performance and Incident Management


This document provides an overview of TruTrip Pte Ltd’s (“TruTrip”) guidelines for availability performance and incident management. Please note that the information here is intended for transparency and informational purposes only, and should not be construed as a formal contractual agreement unless specifically stated in writing. TruTrip reserves the right to update the content at any time, at our sole discretion. This document focuses exclusively on aspects related to service availability and does not address customer satisfaction concerns.

How we think about availability performance

We consider our service availability based on three sources that together provide the overall service:

  • Platform Availability, i.e. how often can you login and use our core services
  • Content Availability, i.e. when you search the 100s of providers available on our platform, how often will we get a response
  • Support Availability, i.e. when you reach out via support channels, how often to we respond to support requests within our advertised response time


Type Service Level target
Platform Minimum of 99.9% over any 3 month period
No single day below 95%
Content 95% providers returning on +99.9% of the searches
Support Core hours: 80% responded within 15mins. 95% responded to within 30mins. All critical queries resolved within 1 hour.
Non-core hours: 80% responded within 30mins, 95% responded within 60mins. All critical queries resolved within 2 hours.Note: core hours are from 06:00 on a Monday, to 23:59 on a Friday (Singapore time)


How we monitor performance
Platform Availability
We use Grafana to monitor our systems and availability. A report is available upon request.
For a quick basic check, we also use and you can get the latest basic data here.

Content Availability
Monitoring content availability is difficult and not readily available across our supply base.
We have in place a beta monitoring specific popular routes and we also receive system issue notifications from several providers but it is not yet comprehensive.

We are working to better understand content issues and how we can be better aware of issues.

Support Availability
Support performance is monitored via our support capability tool, Zendesk. Reports are generated on a weekly and monthly basis. We are happy to provide a report upon request and working to bring this report available via public link.

*Excluded* End service availability
Unfortunately we are an agent and are not responsible for our providers/principles performance. In the event they have an issue that impacts users we will, where possible, notify impacted users as well as supporting them with any necessary alternative arrangements and/or prescribed workarounds. We do not actively measure the performance of our providers/principles. Examples of this type of issues include not being able to checkin for a flight as the airlines site is down.

At times things do go wrong – but most of the time you as a client may not be aware. In cases where there is a client level performance degradation we can benefit from our independent systems; meaning that in the event part of the solution is unavailable the rest of the solution should still be operational albeit with some workarounds. All incidents are assessed within 30mins of identification 24×7.

Incident categories
We firstly assess any performance issue based on the impact – both material impact to our service lines / core processes, and the number of people impacted.

What the impact means Who is impacted
<2 clients +2 but less than 10% of clients > 10% clients
Clients can still achieve their objectives. Service lines and core processes are still available Low Low Medium
Clients can mostly still achieve their objectives. Only 1 service line and/or core process is impacted. Low Medium High
Significant degradation in performance. Multiple service lines and core processes are impacted. Medium High High

In our assessment we use the term clients – which are individual organisations and represent multiple users.

Incident assessment and identification of incident category

Once we know the level of degradation. We implement management plans based on the level of service degradation and expected resolution time and assign them an incident category as shown below.

Service degradation Resolution time
<1 hrs 1-5hr +5hr
Low C C B
Medium C B A
High B B A

Management plan

The management plan depends on the incident category.

Incident Category What can you expect from us
C We will acknowledge the issue with affected users and let them know once it is resolved.
B We will

  • proactively notify client administrators of the issue giving them an estimated time for resolution
  • handle urgent issues (that cannot be still completed on the site) through an alternative process.
  • Ensure users interacting with the issue are aware, as well as the time for resolution
A We will migrate all user engagement points to our alternative process/solution.
We will proactively notify client admins and users
We will also refund subscriptions for the related week of these issues.

Making a complaint

In the event you believe we have not handled an issue in accordance with the process outlined above, you should write in to [email protected] with your concern and clearly identifying the communication as a complaint. The management team are always fully notified and will connect to you regarding the complaint within three working days.