Responsible business travel: things you should do

Krizia Mojado
Krizia Mojado
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As travel restrictions finally abate, there is a slow but steady increase in corporate or business travel since the latter part of 2019. Though the numbers are still under 50% of pre-pandemic travel, corporate or business travel is expected to significantly grow in the coming months.

However, because of the pandemic people are realizing the positive environmental impacts of staying at home. Now that employees are working in the offices again, and business travellers are back on the road, one can’t help but ask, is there a more ethical way to travel?

To have responsible business travel, it is important to prepare a list that could make the trip even more productive. It is a must to have a handle on the things needed during travel in order to avoid any business problems while in transit. A simple checklist will do the trick. Here are a few pointers for hassle-free and responsible business travel.

Before the Business Travel

1) Research

It is a must to know basic etiquettes in the country you will be visiting since you will arrive as a representative of your company. It would not be a good idea to unknowingly embarrass yourself in front of potential clients because you did not do your research.

2) Pack Lightly

Business travels do not usually take weeks. Hence, it is important to pack sufficiently and avoid bringing unnecessary belongings. It would be a good idea to bring your own utensils and water tumblers to avoid the use of any disposables during the trip. Though these things may seem to be irrelevant on the trip, it would actually be better to have a tumbler and utensils on hand anytime needed.

3) Book Flights Responsibly

Flying actually has an environmental impact. It actually contributes to many of our natural problems like climate change. In fact, flying or travelling by aeroplane actually accounts for ¼ of the produced carbon dioxide in the world. Since planes are closer to the atmosphere compared to pollutants on the ground, they can do more damage to the planet.

This is where carbon credits come to play. Carbon offsetting is a way for airlines to offset the carbon dioxide they produce during travel. The easiest way to carbon offset is to book a flight and pay an extra fee which can then be donated to a carbon offset program. Airlines usually have carbon offset schemes and offer frequent flyer points when they buy offsets.

Choose a direct flight to avoid carbon dioxide emissions. Connecting flights actually requires passengers to travel responsibly in the atmosphere longer and create more emissions.

4) Choose Sustainable Accommodation and Restaurants

Sustainable hotels are accommodations that actually try to reduce their impact on the environment. They revolve around saving energy, reducing waste and cutting down water usage. You can opt to use online booking tools to minimize any paper use.

During the Business Travel

1) Track your expenses

If you are travelling for global business, you are practically spending your company’s money. So, you should keep your expenses in mind and avoid unnecessary expenditures that would not benefit the company. This can significantly help in reducing travel costs.

2) Save Energy

Travelling around the world will increase your environmental footprint and environmental impact. In order to have responsible business travel, try to save energy in the places you visit. It does not have to be hard. You do not need to plant a new tree in every place you visit. To start off, you should make sure to turn the lights off whenever you leave your hotel room. This would be a big help to the environment already.

3) Minimize Your Waste

According to Safety for sea, plastic makes up 95% of all the waste in the Mediterranean Ocean. Previously, we reminded you to bring your own utensils and tumblers in sustainable travel. As business travellers, this will help in minimizing waste. If you use a disposable spoon every time you eat at a new place, you will have to dispose of plastic materials. So, using your own utensils and water containers would be a better example of ethical corporate travel. Also, remember to take any toiletries left unused in your accommodations. These are usually discarded and end up as waste.

4) Keep Superiors and Loved Ones Updated

Being away for travel has its own merits but travelling for business can be a bit risky too. It is always a good idea to keep your loved ones and superiors updated with your whereabouts for safety reasons.

After the Business Travel

1) Leave Honest and Good Reviews

This is a very important task that should not be taken for granted. Writing a good or honest review will not only be a good reminder of the things you have accomplished throughout the business trip but will also help other travellers with relevant information regarding restaurants, hotels and other accommodations that you have been to.

2) Email Connections You Made

Do not forget to keep in touch with connections you have made during your travels, or networking events. It would be nice to catch up with them every now and then. This will be a great way to maintain your relationship with them and also help the company in its endeavours.

3) Send Your Thanks

You just had the best business travel because of all the people you encountered throughout the trip. So, make sure to leave a thank you note to make them feel appreciated. 

4) Submit Reports on Time

The longer you take to write your report, the harder it will be to actually remember what transpired during the trip. Make sure to prepare and submit reports on time in order for the information to be relevant and up to date. A few days’ delays may already bring about so many changes in the status of your previous visit. If your company has a travel management tool that is usually available by partnering with travel management companies (TMCs) you can easily get travel reports with a click.

Ready for responsible corporate travel?

If you want to travel sustainably this year, you are in the perfect place to start. Trutrip can take you wherever and however you want to go. So, book a demo or sign up for a free trial.