Jumpstart your business travel policy with our new and free travel policy builder

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Writing a travel policy can feel like an impossible task. We get it—it’s challenging and time-consuming. But without a solid policy, your business is flying blind. That’s why we’ve created the ultimate solution: our free travel policy builder.

The Importance of a Business Travel Policy

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A strong business travel policy is non-negotiable. It ensures consistency, compliance, and cost-effectiveness. But here’s the kicker: only 11% of companies have a dedicated travel department. The rest? 

Multitasking managers juggling countless responsibilities. No wonder things slip through the cracks. We’re here to help the remaining 89% create policies that work. 

Why we built the business travel policy builder

We found that a shocking 26% of companies don’t have a travel policy. That’s a lot of businesses operating without a safety net. We’re here to change that.

We at TruTrip recognise the need for companies without a dedicated travel manager to receive guidance in crafting their travel management policy.

Martin Go, TruTrip’s growth manager doubled down on this saying, “While there are existing tools that offer predefined templates, we believe an AI-powered tool would provide great flexibility and customization, to help adapt to the ever-changing nature of business travel.” 

Our travel policy builder is designed to help you kickstart your policy or fine-tune your existing one. Built by business travel experts, it covers all the essential bases, so you don’t have to. 

How does the business travel policy builder work?

Our secret weapon? AI’s technology. Here’s how it works:

  1. You provide data: Input your company’s travel details on our website.
  2. We process it: Our API sends this data through customized AI prompts.
  3. AI generates recommendations: Using curated data, the AI suggests key sections for your travel policy.

It’s that simple. And it’s tailored to meet your company’s unique needs.

Tips on using our tool

Maximize the power of our travel policy builder with these tips:

  • Be Honest and Detailed: The more information you provide, the better the recommendations our policy builder can offer. Detailed input ensures your travel policies are tailored to your organization’s unique needs and circumstances.
  • Put People First: Consider your employees’ comfort and well-being when crafting your travel policy. A thoughtful approach can enhance employee satisfaction and productivity during business trips.
  • Consult Our Experts: Once you’ve generated your policy, consult our experts to refine it further. Their insights can help you optimize your travel policy, ensuring it aligns with best practices and meets all your organizational goals.

Elevate your business travel policy today

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Don’t let the lack of a travel policy hold your business back. Use our free travel policy builder today and take control of your business travel like never before. Or better, consult with an expert at trutrip by booking a demo or signing up for a free trial.