
How can I add my Team Members?

We understand the difficult task of onboarding and getting your team members familiar with the travel platform in the initial stages. For a demo or guidance, please do not hesitate to contact us for support. 

Step 1 – Access your company settings on the profile header on the top-right corner of the platform’s home page

Step 2 – Select the Users & User Group function on the page and you will be directed to the the dashboard where you can Add individual users and bulk them into specific groups

Step 3 – Hit the Add New User button and you will be directed to the page where you can either enter the user details manually or upload a CSV file if you have a high number of team members you would like to add in.

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Step 4 – Hit the invite button and your team members will get an email invitation with a step-by-step on how to set up their account.

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Drop us a message or call us at +65 3129 2139