Last Updated on: November 6, 2024 at 4:28 am
Many business leaders don’t realise early on that managing corporate travel is a complicated operation. Many smaller-scale companies have no formally designated person to manage the process, which can lead to inefficiencies and a lack of consistency. Others may have multiple people fulfilling travel management roles, creating confusion around who has what responsibilities. In some cases, employees might even have to manage their business trips personally. This is where corporate travel services become crucial.
Ketika datang ke perjalanan perusahaan, Anda harus memastikan bahwa Anda memiliki dasar-dasar yang tercakup. Ini termasuk memastikan bahwa perusahaan Anda memiliki kebijakan perjalanan yang baik. Saat perjalanan korporat membuat rebound tahun ini setelah beberapa bulan pertumbuhan yang lambat, Anda harus mengerti dampak dari banyak faktor seperti inflasi, keberlanjutan, dan kemauan karyawan pada manajemen perjalanan perusahaan.
Penting juga untuk memastikan bahwa pedoman organisasi Anda tentang tanggung jawab dan manajemen perjalanan jelas bagi semua orang, dan selaras dengan misi perusahaan.
Dalam artikel ini, kita akan melihat:
Corporate travel management is an integral part of a company’s operation that contributes to getting the most out of their business trips. These corporate travel services involve planning, organizing, and coordinating all the details involved in business travel. It can be a complex process, especially when you are dealing with international travel. This covers booking flights and hotels, arranging car rental or transportation from the airport, providing any necessary visas and permits, negotiating with local vendors to provide meals and other necessities at an affordable rate, and more. Needless to say, corporate travel management is a crucial part of a company’s operations, and when executed well it can lead to a vital component of employee satisfaction and retention.
The role of a corporate travel manager is to supervise all aspects of the company’s travel program, including researching travel risks, ensuring travel policy adherence, and travel expense management. They will work with employees to ensure that their travel needs and safety are conveniently secured. They are also in charge of constantly evaluating if the company’s travel management program and process are in their optimal state.
It comes as a surprise to some, but travel managers also need to keep track of their employees during business travel as part of the organisation’s duty of care. Aside from that, they also work closely with HR and finance teams to make sure employees are getting reimbursed correctly for travel expenses pulled out of their own pocket, and that they’re aware of any changes in policy or procedure that might affect their company’s travel expenses. In Singapore and other APAC countries, sebagian besar perusahaan menugaskan manajer perjalanan mereka dengan tujuan tertentu, terutama untuk mengidentifikasi peluang penghematan biaya.
A good business travel manager is someone who can expertly handle all aspects of corporate travel services, ensuring that every detail aligns with the company’s needs. They should have a comprehensive grasp of travel expenses, travel risk management, itineraries, and more. A strong business travel manager understands that corporate travel can be stressful for employees, so they prioritize employee well-being by making sure everything is arranged before, during, and after the trip — ensuring seamless travel plans. Personality-wise, they must be accommodating, organized, and detail-oriented. Business travelers need a reliable guide to alleviate the stress of travel, so travel managers must be adept at multitasking, working under pressure, and consistently maintaining a professional demeanor.
Corporate travel services often include travel risk management, a process that helps businesses mitigate the risks associated with business travel. Managing travel risk is essential, as it can impact not only the success of your business but also the safety and well-being of your employees. This includes things like ensuring that all employees have appropriate insurance and are mengambil tindakan pencegahan yang diperlukan untuk memastikan mereka tidak mengalami kehilangan atau cedera saat bepergian. Selain itu, diperlukan komunikasi yang konstan antara semua pemangku kepentingan untuk memastikan bahwa tindakan yang tepat selalu diambil.
The role of a travel management company (TMC) is to provide services that help you manage your business travel. These services include automating your travel policy, keeping track of your travel expense, as well as booking flights, hotels, and car rentals. They handle any last-minute changes or issues that arise during a trip, such as penurunan, yang telah menjadi sangat umum baru-baru ini. Perusahaan manajemen perjalanan juga dapat membantu Anda memastikan bahwa karyawan Anda menggunakan metode yang paling hemat biaya saat bepergian untuk bisnis. Untuk ini, perusahaan manajemen perjalanan yang baik akan memiliki akses ke jaringan pemasok dan mitra global, memastikan bahwa Anda memiliki akses ke harga dan penawaran terbaik untuk penerbangan, hotel, dan persewaan mobil.
Perangkat lunak manajemen perjalanan is a system that allows you to manage your travel and expenses, from start to finish, with one central platform. The use of technology in corporate travel management is expanding globally. It’s a great tool for both business owners and business travelers, as it supports a wide range of corporate travel services to help save on travel costs, monitor spending, ensure compliance, and streamline the entire process. This tool is versatile enough to serve both small and large organizations, tracking everything from who is traveling when and how, to the total amount being spent on travel. With a user-friendly design, it reduces the steps involved in arranging travel, allowing you to focus more on running your business.
Kebijakan manajemen perjalanan perusahaan adalah seperangkat pedoman yang mengatur cara organisasi menangani perjalanan bisnis dan pribadi. Ini dapat mencakup informasi tentang cara memesan penerbangan, persetujuan perjalanan bisnis, tempat menginap, integrasi biaya, dan lainnya. Tujuan dari kebijakan manajemen perjalanan korporat adalah untuk memastikan bahwa baik perusahaan maupun karyawannya terlindungi dengan baik dan diberi tahu kapan perjalanan bisnis diperlukan. Kebijakan manajemen perjalanan perusahaan yang ditulis dengan baik harus jelas dan ringkas sehingga karyawan dapat dengan cepat menemukan apa yang mereka butuhkan saat merencanakan perjalanan berikutnya.
Dengan TruTrip, Anda dijamin memiliki sistem yang efisien untuk mengelola permintaan manajemen perjalanan perusahaan Anda. Perangkat lunak kami membantu Anda mengintegrasikan pengeluaran, mengotomatiskan kebijakan perjalanan Anda, dan menghasilkan laporan yang dapat ditindaklanjuti. Daftar untuk uji coba gratis untuk merasakan keuntungan bisnis Anda dengan TruTrip.
TruTrip menyederhanakan pemesanan, manajemen, dan pelaporan untuk perjalanan bisnis tanpa kerumitan.