Reflecting on TruTrip’s part in The Smart, Safe, Sustainable Summit 2023


As we look back on The Smart, Safe, Sustainable Summit held this September 6th at Swissôtel The Stamford in Singapore, we’re delighted to reflect on the critical conversations and partnerships that emerged. The summit provided a rich platform for thought leaders, including TruTrip’s Sus Banerjee, to discuss the intersection of sustainability, technology, and 商務旅行.

TruTrip’s Sus Banerjee in the panel discussion: Rising to the sustainability data challenge

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Moderated by Shradha Batra Mithal from AltoVita, Sus Banerjee was joined by panellists from Stripe, Siemens, and Sodexo to discuss how global mobility and business travel managers can use technology to help meet its broader sustainability goals via smarter travel decisions.

Key Highlights from Sus Banerjee

Sus pointed out several critical issues, including:

  • The Paradox of Choice in Green Solutions: While there are tools available for estimating carbon footprints, they often lack granularity. This raises a compelling question: Are current solutions meeting customer expectations, especially in the Southeast Asia region?
  • The Demand Dilemma: Platforms like offer promising solutions for carbon offsetting, yet their adoption is stunted due to low client interest. Sustainability is not as front and centre in APAC, and especially in SEA, as it is in other parts of the world. One reason for that, as Sus pointed out, is that the average carbon footprint for someone in APAC is far lower than in almost any Western country, and another is the link between environmental and economic outcomes hasn’t been established as clearly yet in APAC. Is the lagging demand a function of the solution’s quality, or is it a matter of public awareness and education?
  • A Data-Driven Approach: The data is out there—eco-friendly certifications, energy consumption metrics, sustainable practices—but what truly moves the needle? Understanding traveller behaviour via data analytics could be the game-changer, yet the incentive for Travel Management Companies (TMCs) to invest in this remains minimal. Customers aren’t pushing suppliers – the majority of companies we asked did not list sustainability as a top travel management priority.
  • The Heart of TruTrip’s Mission: To be truly impactful, these green solutions must align with a company’s core objectives. TruTrip aims to bridge this gap by providing safe, easily integrated solutions that allow businesses to gauge their sustainability efforts against their performance metrics effectively.
    The Future of TruTrip: Sus outlines a transformative vision for TruTrip’s booking tool, set to be a one-stop shop for travellers keen on sustainability. Imagine a platform that is agnostic about where you book but conscious about how you travel—each option will come with clearly stated CO2 impacts and offsetting solutions that are robust and verifiable.
  • Singapore’s Economic Pivot to Sustainability: A seismic shift has occurred in Singapore’s governmental approach to sustainability. What was once a peripheral concern up until 2012 has metamorphosed into a priority, as the economic advantages of sustainability have crystallized. Singapore stands as a beacon, illustrating how the environmental and economic objectives can together tackle climate change.
  • The APAC Disconnect: Sus shines a spotlight on a rather concerning disconnect—while sustainability is making headlines globally, the APAC region, particularly Southeast Asia, is a step behind. Sus posits that this could be attributed to a lower average carbon footprint in the region or a less defined connection between sustainability and economic gains.

This riveting segment of the panel discussion peeled back the layers on how technology, government policies, and regional peculiarity are shaping the future of corporate sustainability. It serves as a microcosm of the broader challenges and opportunities awaiting us in the sustainability landscape.

This discussion probes into the nuances of the corporate world’s readiness and willingness to embrace sustainable practices, drawing a vivid picture of the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

Other Highlights from the Panel Discussion

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Pandemic’s Pause on Green Ambitions

When probed about the pandemic’s influence on sustainability initiatives, the consensus among panellists was unmistakable: the global health crisis acted as an unexpected pause button on sustainability projects. This pause, however, provides an unprecedented opportunity to reevaluate and redefine green strategies for the corporate world.

Sodexo has shown a keen willingness to invest in a greener future, stating they’re prepared to bear an additional 10-15% in costs for more eco-friendly accommodations. However, this illuminates a broader question that hovers like a cloud over the industry: How much are companies really willing to invest for a sustainable future? 

The other panellists suggest that cost considerations are a not-so-silent partner in these critical decisions.

TruTrip’s Vision for a Sustainable Future

Looking through the lens of TruTrip, Sus revealed an ambitious yet achievable roadmap. Imagine a world where your booking tool doesn’t just get you from point A to point B but does so with the planet’s wellbeing in mind. Within the next three years, TruTrip aims to be the architect of such an experience, seamlessly integrating across platforms and marking each travel option with its CO2 impact, backed by robust, verifiable carbon offsetting solutions.

The Smart, Safe, Sustainable Summit 2023 provided invaluable insights into the role of technology in achieving sustainable corporate travel. We thank everyone who participated and contributed to making this event a success. As always, TruTrip remains committed to offering solutions that are smart, safe, and sustainable.

Join the movement towards a greener corporate travel!

The challenges of achieving corporate sustainability are as complex as they are urgent. Yet, as our panel has shown, the intersection of technology, policy, and customer engagement offers a pathway to meaningful change.

Start the conversation in your company today. Survey your team, engage your vendors, and challenge your management to prioritize sustainability. Let’s rise to the sustainability data challenge together, we can help you out, 預訂演示 要么 註冊免費試用 today!

If you found value in this post-event recap and the discussions during the summit, please explore more corporate travel insights on our blog. We eagerly look forward to continuing these essential dialogues in future events!