Product update: Smarter bookings, payments and policies


We’re thrilled to show you our latest product updates and their potential in enabling your 商務旅行管理 to stay at the forefront of the industry.

Trains are out of beta with policies and vertical filters!


You can now set up policies for train bookings as well. Very similar to flights and hotels, you can just add “Train policy” under the policies settings. 

For now, it’s only possible to set it up based on budget, and seat class. You can read more about it in this help article


Additionally, we’ve updated the filter in the train search result page to make it consistent with Flight and Hotel search. The search filters are now located vertically.

Smarter policies with views page


We’ve noticed that checking which policies were enabled and how they were set up can be tricky. In response, we’ve implemented the first iteration of a policy view that makes it much easier to see everything at a glance!

Go ahead and try it out now! 

Improved the booking experience with updated travel information

The “fit-to-fly” feature was quite outdated with a strong focus on covid-19. To make it easier to understand if you are ready to fly we’ve implemented: 

  • Removing the Covid -19 restrictions from the initial search page
  • Making it a lot clearer if your travel documents are sufficient based on three categories: Passport, visa, covid. If anything is missing, the red or green light plus a message will clarify what is required

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