TruTrip 有多安全?
您保存在 TruTrip 中的個人身份信息 (PII) 數據,從您的電子郵件地址到您的護照信息和飛行常客號碼,都存儲在安全的數據保險庫中。 保管庫包含強化功能,例如不可變審核日誌、限制性網絡規則和每條記錄加密,以防止未經授權的訪問。
The same goes for your credit card information – all of the records that you store with us are saved into a Level 1 PCI compliant vault that is recognised on the Visa and Mastercard list of compliant service providers. The data is tokenized using a cryptogram on the initial creation providing an extra layer of security.
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