Product update: Better business travel with our enhanced in-app flow and reporting


Starting the year off strong as we roll out our latest product updates – a smoother in-app navigation experience with improved ways on how you can manage and book your 商務旅行。 Excited for you to try them out! 

You can now use your IDs in your travel bookings

Yes, we heard you. We’ve received multiple requests and questions from our clients about using their ID cards for domestic flights. 
While it is possible to “hack” it by entering the ID card number as a passport, it is not an ideal solution. Hence, we added an ID card as a full travel document option, that can be used for domestic flight booking, and all hotel bookings.

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ID cards can be created and managed through the travel document section, under the traveller profile. Individual traveller can manage their ID cards, while managers and super-admins have access to create and manage other travellers in the company. 

While booking a domestic flight, or any hotel, the traveller now has an additional travel document option with an ID card. 
Learn more about your travel documents here: Managing your travel documents

You can now have external bookings integrated into trutrip for better reporting

Some companies do offline bookings that need to be reflected in TruTrip for reporting & travel management. This feature also prepares us for the future where we want to allow companies to add any booking they made anywhere into TruTrip themselves.

How you can go about it:

  1. Send the booking details (traveller name, booking title, cost, booking voucher, invoices etc to our support team)
  2. Our support team will process the external bookings into your account
  3. Once it’s added we’ll let you know and you can view the external bookings in your account.
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Once external bookings are added to your company account, managers can distinguish them on the bookings report, transactions report and CSV file. This is how external bookings are displayed in the booking report web app: 

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Learn more about external bookings 這裡.

Easier booking requests and modifications flow through the Trips’ page pop-ups 

Travellers can create modification or cancellation requests more easily through popups. We also include any relevant change or cancellation details about their trip. 

This popup allows our travellers to request cancellations and changes for their trip without going through other pages. 

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Learn more about booking modifications 這裡

There’s a better way to do business travel

Enjoy the convenience of our travel solution, book your first trip today! Want to see what else we can do? Upgrade your plan and explore all the additional features we have in store for you 這裡.