How remote work and business travel go hand In hand

Krizia Mojado

Employers are increasingly turning to remote and hybrid models to help keep teams connected and productive. However, with individuals often representing a business from different parts of the world, companies recognize there’s no substitute for 面对面会议 and interactions. 

Working remotely can be incredibly rewarding, with fewer commute times and more comfortable working environments. But, to foster relationships with colleagues, clients, and customers in person, business travel is essential.

商务旅行 is an essential building block for maintaining relationships between employees and customers, which can lead to greater innovation, productivity, and, ultimately, more success overall. This article explores how the combined use of remote work and business travel can be an invaluable tool in helping companies thrive in our ever-changing world.

Purposeful business travel can improve employee morale

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For a good reason, corporate travel managers expect an uptick in business trips in 2023 vs. 2022, with three in four travel managers expecting an increase in corporate travel. The shoulder-to-shoulder connection that comes with face-to-face communication and collaboration can do wonders for employee morale for remote workers. By providing opportunities to get out of the house and see clients or colleagues while conducting important business, travel companies can help build stronger relationships between remote workers and their supervisors or leadership teams. This may help break them from the monotony of staring at Zoom screens at home all day. 

Business travel can be invaluable for hybrid and remote workers to increase their morale, avoid remote work burnout, and gain fresh perspectives. As remote work becomes more common, employees’ physical and psychological well-being can suffer due to the lack of face-to-face contact. Business trips that encourage collaboration with colleagues, offer networking opportunities, and provide access to new paths of thinking are great ways to boost morale and fight off burnout. 

Interacting with peers in a professional yet relaxed setting can spark positive emotions and kickstart big ideas that could benefit businesses and employees. When tailored appropriately, business travel offers unlimited potential to help hybrid and remote workers rekindle their passion for their work while strengthening connections with the broader team.

Breed a warmer work culture

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Despite 54% of business travellers experiencing mishaps during their trips, overall, they still report feeling satisfied with their experience. This underscores the importance of travel for office workers and should be considered when gauging their satisfaction with the work culture. 

Spending time with colleagues in person provides an opportunity to bond with one another, develop deeper relationships, and strengthen existing ones. When remote workers travel for meetings or events, they become immersed in their team’s group identity by engaging in team-building or professional development activities. These interactions add motivation and positivity to the work culture and provide much-needed social connection and camaraderie – which are often lacking in fully remote workforces. 

Business travel can also help transition remote workers more seamlessly allowing them to make valuable connections within the business and build trust with senior leadership. Ultimately, leveraging business travel to the fullest can help create an atmosphere of unity, facilitate knowledge transfer, and create an enjoyable workplace atmosphere wherever it is.

Boost productivity with refreshed minds

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Business travel can help remote workers stay productive and efficient, even from afar. Long-distance trips and meetings give remote staff time from the regular grind of their day-to-day work activities, allowing them to return reinvigorated with a fresh mindset. This can often lead to increased productivity, as those on the go can interact with colleagues from other offices, leading to ideas and innovations that may not have occurred if they had remained within their own siloed environment. 

Additionally, company retreats or conferences enable employees to build an ever closer team dynamic, which will, in turn, boost productivity within teams. For example, when our team gathered in Jakarta, they were able to get on the same page regarding how they work, which in turn resulted in a positive shift in productivity. Ultimately such team-building initiatives help strengthen existing networks while forging new ones – greatly enhancing long-term productivity.

More open communication lines

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Business travel can be a powerful tool for remote workers as it offers a tangible way to communicate more openly with coworkers. When employees work from home and may not have the opportunity to meet face-to-face, collaborating during work trips can make all the difference and lead to creative solutions. 

During these in-person gatherings, remote workers are offered more opportunities for connection and sharing, which can translate into solid links with each other’s work. These conversations serve a greater purpose by helping remote teams understand one another’s workflows and build trust among colleagues who may work dozens of miles apart. Business travel thus serves as an essential bridge allowing work communities to work better together, creating opportunities for open communication that result in innovative ideas, ultimately helping the business grow and succeed.

More opportunities for advancement

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Business travel can open up possibilities for remote workers that would otherwise be unavailable. Remote workers can build valuable relationships with potential mentors, employers, and customers by stepping away from their desks and getting to know people in different industries. With the proper introduction, these contacts can result in professional growth or even a career change. Business travel also helps increase visibility for remote workers and makes them more attractive to potential employers who are looking for knowledgeable professionals. It’s an integral part of any successful career plan and should not be underestimated by those looking to make the most of their professional opportunities.

Business travel can be a great way for remote workers to expand their skill set and gain valuable experience they can bring to their team. Moreover, their travels will provide additional networking opportunities and access to global trends, allowing them to stay up-to-date. By travelling for business, remote workers can better understand the goals and strategies of the companies they work for, improving the efficiency of their performance in the long run. 

In return, companies will benefit from having an employee capable of deducing cutting-edge solutions while maintaining an understanding of other cultures’ toolkits. This global perspective might create competitive advantages in terms of marketing and product innovation, leading to increased chances of success. All in all, business travel is a beneficial resource for advancing remote workers and helping companies gain a deeper awareness of international markets.

Blend remote work with business travel now

Combining remote work with business travel can have many benefits, from increased productivity to improved networking skills. We can help you plan your trip, book your flights, and even find the perfect hotel for your needs. 预约演示 要么 sign up for our free trial today to learn more about how we can help you make the most of your next business trip!