Same ? as an airport taxi, but with many more benefits

Manage Covid-19 travel risks with TruTrip, at a cost that makes sense.

No credit card required.
Automatic trip approval
Refundable trips
Smart travel policy

Protect your business and travellers better with TruTrip

Flexible Travel Management

Flexibility in bookings with TruFlex

Book with confidence with at least 80% of your travel costs being refunded in real money (not a voucher) within 24 hours of cancellation.

Proactive travel safety and welfare

Understand the “on the ground” situation easily with our Traveller’s Dashboard

Get the information that matters about where your team has been, are and going to. Our dashboard allows you to react as situations change to keep your Traveller safe.

Built-in travel policies

Keep your team safe with our reactive and smart Travel Policy tool

Policymaking is a vital task in ensuring efficient and safe operations. With our flexible, reactive and transparent controls, you can create a smart travel policy that suits your company’s needs.

Better ways to plan your work trips

Covid Entry Check

Travel without anxiety and anticipate any travel risks with TruTrip. We provide end-to-end solutions for pre, during and post business trips.

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24/7 Support

Travelling during the pandemic makes reliable customer support crucial. TruTrip’s 24/7 support is available via chat, call or email.

Transparent payments options

How you pay can make a real difference. Our payment options not only break down the fees by card type but also offer options to fit you.

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Multi-currency and multi-lingual

We live in a multi-national world, so your travel product should be too. We support several major currencies as well as a site and support in English, Bahasa Malaysia and Mandarin.

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Connected with the best travel partners

We integrate with an ever growing list of partners to bring you an exhaustive list of great value travel options.

Well integrated with your internal tools

Don’t make travel more of a hassle than it needs to be. We offer a thoughtful list of integrations that remove the admin not the insights.

Choose a better way to travel

Say hello to effective and flexible travel at just $19.99/month